Tuesday, November 25

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Salar de Uyuni finds in the region of Potosi and Oruro departments in southwest Bolivia which is near the crest of the Andes. It has afflicted the elevation of approx 3656 meters above the mean sea level. Salar de Uyuni is the largest flat area in the world with an endless sheet of hexagonal tiles which are naturally created   by the crystalline nature of salt and  they are dotted with pyramids of salt.  Minchin Lake was a part of a prehistoric salt lake which covers most of southwestern Bolivia. In the season of summer it dries up and leaves behind several seasonal puddles and enormous salt pans including  Salar de Uyuni. The savage and outrageous beauty of his vivid and vast salt lake desert makes it South America’s most spectacular  inspirational venue.
The dryness of the deserts in here the freezing night temperature and the fierce desert sun which is scorching doesn’t not make itself extinct o life survival on to itself. The wildlife in here is yet to be flourished. Till date Pink Flamingos, Ancient Cacti and the rarest hummingbirds are still alive in Salar de Uyuni. Every November Salar de Uyuni is proved to be the breeding ground for three rare species of pink South American Flamingos namely the Chilean.
Probably the color pink originates on them due to the consumption of pink algae on the land. Not only these are about more than eighty other bird species present in here which includes birds like Homed Coot, Andean Goose and Andean Hillstar. Andean fox is a type of a fox and is also familiar as Culpeo in a representative animal. Even the islands of Salar  de Uyuni host colonies  of an animal which resembles to rabbit known as Viscachas and this is found particularly in  Incahuasi  Island.
When the lakes in the Salar de Uyuni dried up back in over hundreds and thousands years ago their rich salt was left and this turned to be the unique selling point of this place. Due to  so much of salt in abundance available in  here it became the thick salt crust that coats the region entirely in current times. The shallow pools of brine  which is a solution of salt in ware rich in lithium and contains almost 70 percentage of world’s reserves. The clouds in here often break into clear blue skies with blue and white reflections seen below on the sheets of salt which is a clear as ice. This exclusive salt lake place though being a little extinct attracts tourists to companies to mine the layers as there is abundance of salt potassium, lithium and magnesium available from surface. It is also a great transport route especially in dry seasons